With Lodge 9 membership, you have the option of also obtaining legal coverage by joining the F.O.P. Arizona Labor Council.
You can always get a legal opinion- at no cost to the member- from our law firm. You can contact the law firm directly. As a lodge member you will be able to join the most cost effective legal defense plan available. The Arizona Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council meets the needs of law enforcement officers.
All members of Lodge 9 have all privileges of membership in the State and National F.O.P. Lodge.
If you decide that you want to join our organization, or have questions about our organization, you can send us a message asking for us to contact you.
The FOP is committed to professional representation and strong fraternal support for law enforcement. We are dedicated to supporting law enforcement employees in all respects; labor representation, fraternal support, education, legislation, information and community involvement.
To Join Mesa FOP, download and print the appropriate form below and hand deliver to one of the Mesa FOP Board members
*FOP membership is required for ALC legal coverage